Rotary: 103 Years and Counting

In 1917 The Rotary Foundation was established with just a few hundred dollars to create a permanent fund to support for Rotary’s local and world service.

Over the decades Rotarian donations have increased the Foundation to hundreds of millions of dollars, establishing a fund designed to grow forever. Millions have been awarded for water safety, peace building, renewable energy, maternal health, literacy, and for the last thirty years,  a battle to eradicate polio.

When an individual Rotarian donates $1000 to the Foundation they become a Paul Harris Fellow, in the name of Rotary’s founder, Paul Harris. Contributions are a perpetual gift; only the interest generated thereby is disbursed. Foundation funding is divided between local, international and polio prevention projects. North Coast Region clubs receive tens of thousands of dollars annually for projects from the Foundation. Service Unites!

Our Garberville club has received Foundation support for most of it’s 80 year history. Some recent projects : food subsidies for needy families, public trash cans, The Planet Humboldt conference September 2019, and Redway School entry plaza and Garden bed improvements. 

Visit our local Garberville Rotary. We meet Tuesdays at noon at SoHum Health 286 Sprowel Creek Road. Share a great lunch, fellowship, and learn about our tradition of giving back. It feels great to be part of history in the making. Contact