Rotary Declares Service Unites

What does Rotary have to do with me, you say. That bunch of old folks?  Well, not so much any more. Our Garberville Club is an inclusive team of caring women and men, non-profits, young professionals, organic farmers, and youth, all united to do good for humanity here and around the world.

 The Rotary International slogan is “Service Above Self.”  Our club has been here living this for 80 years. Look down and see the Rotary wheel in the handicap corner curbs in Garberville. Check the plaque at the Benbow Stage. We built garden beds at Redway School and the festival stage at the Community Park. We provide yearly support for the Healy Senior Center, Nick’s Interns, and Hospice. Our club sponsored women’s financial empowerment in Central America. We mentor South Fork High Interact,  30 fired up students dedicated to local and international service.

 All are invited to our weekly Tuesday noon meetings at the SoHum Health 286 Sprowel Creek Road, Enjoy a great lunch. Bring your concerns and ideas. Be inspired by local and regional speakers on worthy projects and issues . Put your hands and hearts to work to touch kids, families, and the larger world. Send inquiries to Rotary past president, Andy Barnett,